The right IRS Audit Defense Attorney is vital for your financial future. They will work to protect your rights and limit your exposure to tax deficiencies. While cooperation can lead to a favorable resolution, it is essential to follow the law to avoid penalties or fines. A tax attorney will be able to protect your interests and file effective appeals. Hiring an attorney is also a good idea if you suspect that an IRS agent is collecting money from you improperly.
An experienced tax attorney can limit the scope of the audit and present sensitive documents. They can also help you pay the proper amount of tax. The ultimate goal is to get a refund and avoid penalties and fees. In some cases, an audit may require you to provide incorrect records. An attorney can help you negotiate a reduction in penalties and fees by presenting the auditor with the proper documentation. In addition, a tax attorney can help you understand your legal obligations and what your rights are before the audit occurs.
Choosing the best IRS Audit Defense Attorney depends on several factors. An Enrolled Agent is a licensed representative of the IRS and must pass a three-part test to represent taxpayers. A CPA or attorney with specialized experience in tax issues is a good choice. Correspondence audits, on the other hand, are handled by correspondence. You send copies of supporting documents to the IRS, which is not always in your best interest.
When you are facing an audit, it is imperative that you contact a tax attorney as soon as possible. Many people will hire an accountant first, but accountants are not subject to confidentiality rules like attorneys do. An attorney will protect your personal and financial information and work to make the process as painless as possible. When an audit has been completed properly, the tax attorney will ensure that it goes smoothly. This way, you can focus on getting back to work on your life.
An IRS Audit is a scary experience, but it does not have to be. An attorney will explain what the auditor is doing and help you understand why. Additionally, an attorney will be able to determine if the auditor is acting in a criminal manner, if there is any criminal intent involved. Hiring the best IRS Audit Defense Attorney is vital to your financial future. Don’t delay hiring a tax attorney to fight for your rights.
An audit can be a very stressful experience, but if you have the right federal tax audit defense attorney, you can make the process a lot easier. The Diosdi Ching & Liu, LLP will work with you to make sure your audit process is as smooth as possible. They will make sure that everything goes smoothly and address the IRS issues. There are several different ways to handle an audit, but it is imperative to hire the best one.